Iniciatīva, kas tapusi, lai palīdzētu sievietēm atgriesties pie to sievišķās dabas
This is your Project Page. It's a great opportunity to help visitors understand the context and background of your latest work. Double click on the text box to start editing your content and make sure to add all the relevant details you want to share.
Kāpēc jābūt sievišķīgām?
Add a general description of the items listed below. You can introduce the list and include any relevant information you want to share. Double click to edit the text.
Item Title
Describe the item and include any relevant details. Click to edit the text.
Item Title
Describe the item and include any relevant details. Click to edit the text.
Item Title
Describe the item and include any relevant details. Click to edit the text.
Item Title
Describe the item and include any relevant details. Click to edit the text.
Item Title
Describe the item and include any relevant details. Click to edit the text.
Item Title
Describe the item and include any relevant details. Click to edit the text.
Ko patiesībā nozīmē sievietes viedums?
This is a paragraph area where you can add your own text. Just click “Edit Text” or double click here to add your own content and make changes to the font. It's a great place to tell a story about your business and let users know more about you.
Aktivitātes sievišķības vairošanai
Prakšu pamatā ir slāvu vingrošanas komplekss sievietēm, kas ir sena, enerģētiska un meditatīva prakse, kura paredzēta sievietes veselības, labsajūtas un citu būtisku aspektu uzlabošanā.
Sieviešu apļi
Apļos dalīsimies ar pozitīvajām dzīves pieredzēm, kas ir saistītas ar sievišķību, un varētu iedvesmot un noderēt citām apļa dalībniecēm
Describe the item and include any relevant details. Click to edit the text.
Kāpēc mēs to daram?
This is a paragraph where you can add any information you want to share with website visitors. Click here to edit the text, change the font and make it your own.
Mūsu brīnišķīgā komanda
This is your Team section. Briefly introduce the team then add their bios below. Click here to edit.
This is your Team section. It's a great place to introduce your team and talk about what makes it special, such as your culture and work philosophy. Don't be afraid to illustrate personality and character to help users connect with your team.
Mācības un lekcijas
Regulāras tiešsaistes nodarbības
Prakses sievišķībai
Nodarbības vērstas uz sieviešu hormonālās sistēmas kārtošanu. To norise ir ļoti mierīga, stabila un harmoniska, kas neprasa specifisku fizisku sagatavotību